Four Reasons Original Content Publishing is More Important Than Ever17 min read

by Jan 17, 2022Marketing, Strategy, Web


With seven million blogs published every day, it’s more important than ever to create original content that helps you cut through the static and connect with your audience.

What Is Original Content Publishing?

Original Content Publishing is the creation and distribution of content that’s unique to you, your business, or your industry. Original content is your chance to provide useful information to your target audience, help them solve problems, and give them the resources they need to decide if your product or service is right for them.

The most important thing to remember about original content publishing is the word “original”. Rewriting someone else’s blog in your own words or distilling general information is not considered unique or original. Most readers can spot this kind of “spun” content within a few seconds of clicking on your post.

Original content should offer a new or unique take on a subject. It doesn’t have to be edgy or take a stand on hot-button issues, but it should position your business as a valuable resource and showcase your expertise with new ideas or thoughtful commentary.

Aside from being original and relevant, there are no strict rules about the form of original content. It could be:

  • Blogs
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Emails
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Web pages
  • Infographics
  • Social posts
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Newsletters

Here are four reasons we think original content publishing is worth the time and effort.

1. Enhances SEO

Original content enhances your SEO efforts by helping you attract new users, answer relevant questions, and position yourself as a credible and authoritative source.

One of Google’s goals for their search engine is to “deliver the most relevant and reliable information available.” Original, relevant, and useful content is exactly what search algorithms look for when deciding which sites to rank at the top of search results.

Ranking for relevant keywords won’t happen overnight, but consistently publishing high-quality content has a flywheel effect—it may take a push to get things started, but with time, your content generates its own momentum. Organic search is the number one traffic source to blogs across all industries.

2. Establishes Credibility

Original Content Publishing helps you provide credible and important information to your target audience. You achieve this by voicing your perspective on industry-specific topics, sharing relevant data, and answering common questions about your industry or business. 61% of people are more likely to buy from companies that deliver unique content. Providing quality information will set you apart from competitors and help establish you as a thought leader in your niche.

3. Extends Your Reach

Original content can be the “fuel” you need to travel from one internet platform to another, reaching and engaging your target audience along the way. You can share your original content on social media, post a video version on YouTube, or host a webinar. Repurposing content into infographics or videos is a great way to give an older piece new life and engage with your audience using a new medium.

4. Nurtures Leads

Relevant, high-quality content helps connect with your audience and acts as trail-markers on the buyer’s journey. Brands with blogs generate 67% more leads than companies without a blog. A comprehensive content marketing strategy will include different topics and formats to help convert website visitors into qualified leads.

For example, someone who visits your site in the awareness stage is probably looking for general information or a solution to a specific problem. Your website pages or blog posts should answer their questions and start building your credibility as a leader in the industry.

A user in the consideration stage may already know about your business and is looking for specific use-cases or comparing other products on the market. You should have more in-depth content like a whitepaper or ebook to illustrate your expertise and how your business can solve their problem.

Someone in the buyer’s stage is poised to make a decision. For these users, case studies or product reviews can be resources that help them make a final decision.

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A Note on Duplicated Content & Syndicated Content

There’s nothing wrong with sourcing your content from a content marketing agency or industry association. However, please make sure you understand their process and the rights you have to the content they produce for you.

These organizations may repackage the same content for other clients in your industry. Google does not look favorably on this kind of duplicated content and is unlikely to rank it highly in search results.

Syndicated content is also a way to republish content, but it comes with an “originally published in” or a “published with permission from” disclaimer. This tells Google (and the reader) who gets credit for the piece.

Ready to Connect with Your Audience?

Original content publishing is more than just publishing a blog now and then. It’s a vital way to deepen the connection with your audience by providing the right kind of content at the right time. It’s a significant investment, but it’s one that will create value for your brand, both now and in the future. Let us know if you have questions about publishing original content. We’re always ready to help you create more connections with your audience.